Friday, April 14, 2017

Book Ideas!

Hi!I was wondering if you had a couple ideas for a book.I am going to make a book but since  I do not have any ideas I am asking you!Here are the things I am looking for...

  1. a book title
  2. ideas for the book
Pleas put both of thees things in what you answer and pleas put in two that go together.By until my next post!


  1. Charlotte, what about writing a book about what it's like to be the big sister to your brothers? I think whatever you write about will be great because you're a great writer. I like the way you think about things. Love you, Nana 😊

    1. Hey nana!I like your idea and mimis idea.I think I am going to mix your idea and mimis idea together.

  2. Hi, Charlotte! I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner. I love Nana's idea. You are a great writer, and you are also an incredible big sister. I was also thinking that you could write a story about two animals who would normally never have anything to do with each other, but somehow end up together and have to help each other on some kind of a journey.

    1. Hey mimi!I like your idea and nanas idea so I am going to mix them together.

  3. The Impossible Journey of (use names that you give the animals).
